Euro Nanotechnology Congress

    June 22-25, 2022 Berlin | Germany

    Why Should You Attend Euro Nanotechnology 2022?

    Peers Alley Media Events


    Primary goal of attending an international conference is to present a paper to the experts and influencers. It gives you a platform to exchange your interest-related thoughts, paving the way for possible future collaborations.

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    Event summary

    Conferences are vital forum for academic researchers and business leaders. "It involves multiple presentations, interactive breakout sessions, hands-on product demonstrations and unrivalled networking opportunities".

    We have invited some of the world's most sought-after keynote speakers, experts, brand ambassadors, and industry leaders to share their thoughts and ideas with our conference guests.

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    Euro Nanotechnology 2022 conference

    Euro Nanotechnology Congress exists around the theme of "Most innovative and cutting-edge developments in Nanotechnology; Nanotechnology Breakthroughs everyone should know about.  Euro Nanotechnology 2020 brings together a rich diversity of scientists from various universities and industries to share ideas and new perspectives on a wide range of topics related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
    For leaders from around the world to know about the innovations in nanotechnology and nanomedicine, this is your best opportunity to reach the world's largest assembly of participants. This conference is characterized by world-renowned speakers with latest techniques, tools, and the state-of-the-art updates in the fields of nanotechnology, nanoscience, medicine and materials science. Euro Nanotechnology 2020 is an exciting opportunity to present the company's new technologies, new products and/or services to a wide international audience.
    •   Accepted abstracts will be published in our partnered journals
    •   Global networking: In transferring and exchanging Ideas
    •   CPD Certification

    about Euro Nanotechnology 2022 conference
    Euro Nanotechnology 2022 Conference

    Welcome Message

    Meet our first list of distinguished speakers
    We're adding more every week


    Peers Alley Media Simon Haykin

    Simon Haykin

    McMaster University, Canada

    Peers Alley Media Ivan Bozovic

    Ivan Bozovic

    Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

    Peers Alley Media Hugo Lopez

    Hugo Lopez

    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

    Peers Alley Media Barry Boehm

    Barry Boehm

    University of Southern California, USA

    Conference Highlights

    Peers Alley Media: Introduction to Nanotechnology

    Introduction to Nanotechnology

    Nanotechnology is an exploitation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supra molecular scale. The intial wide-ranging portrait of nanotechnology referred as the particular technological goal of exploiting atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology. Many unbelievable claims have been made about the future’s nanotechnology applications. Another important criteria for the definition is the requirement that the nano-structure is man-made, a artificially produced nanoparticle or nanomaterial. Otherwise you would have to involve every naturally formed biomolecule and material particle, in effect reviewing as much of chemistry and molecular biology as nanotechnology. Scientists currently considering the future suggestions of  nanotechnology. Nanotechnology may be able to produce many new materials and devices considerable range of applications.

    Sub tracks:

    • Fabrics
    • Reactivity of materials
    • Strength of materials
    • Molecular manufacturing

    Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Asia Nanoscience Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Materialscience Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Carbon Nanochips Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Asia Graphene Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Europe Molecular Engineering Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Nanotechnology in Agriculture

    Nanotechnology in Agriculture

    Agriculture provides food for humans directly and indirectly. As world population is increasing, it is necessary to use the new technologies such as nanotechnologies in agricultural sciences. Nanotechnology has been defined as identifying materials, systems and processes which operate at a scale of 100 nm or less. Nanotechnology deals with controlling, building, and modifying materials and devices on the scale of atoms and molecules. Especially in agriculture, technical innovation deals with addressing global challenges such as climate change and the limited convenience of important plant nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Crop improvement
    • Soil management
    • Plant deisease detection
    • Water management
    • Post-Harvest technology
    • Analysis of gene expression and Regulation

    Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Asia Nano Tribology Conferences Molecular Mechanics Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 USA Nano Electronics Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Asia Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Europe Green Nanotechnology Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA Nanorobotics Conferences Nano Energy Conferences Nanoengineering Conferences Materialscience Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Nanomedicine


    Nanomedicine is the function of nanotechnology to the prevention and treatment of disease in the human body. This obtaining discipline has the potential to completely change in medical science. well-established and near-future nanomedicine applications include activity monitors, chemotherapy, pacemakers, biochips, OTC tests, insulin pumps, nebulizers, needleless injectors, hearing aids, medical flow sensors and blood pressure, glucose monitoring and drug delivery systems. Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology to achieve deviation in healthcare. It uses the resources developed by a material at its nanometric scale 10-9 m which often differ in terms of physics, chemistry or biology from the same material at a bigger scale.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Nano medicine and Nano capsules
    • Nanoemulsions
    • Nano technology based imaging technologies
    • Cellular based Therapy
    • DNA polyhedra
    • Novel opto electronic devices

    Nano Particles Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences Nanorobotics Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Nano Energy Conferences Nano Tribology Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 USA Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Europe Nanomaterials Conferences Nanotoxicology Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Europe Nanoresearch Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Nanoelectronic and Biomedical devices

    Nanoelectronic and Biomedical devices

    The fast advancement of the Nanodevices is compelling the world through the roadways of improvement in different sections of science and modernization. The Nano devices &Nano frameworks have brought enormous change of mankind with its Nano way of life gadgets. The examination includes in brilliant sensors and savvy conveyance frameworks, demonstrating and reproduction alongside the organically brightened gadgets which are expected to move at a huge development of 34% CAGR and the predictable development of the Nano switches and Optical-biosensors is up to $58.9% billion increment before the end of 2018 by enrolling a sound CAGR of 20.7%.Around the world making the world's focus the analysis of territories in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Nanorobotics and nanomanufacturing
    • Nano -optics
    • Spintronics
    • Nano diamond devices
    • Micro fluids and micro fabrication
    • Nano MEMS

    Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nanomaterials Conferences Nanoengineering Conferences Nanoresearch Conferences Molecular Mechanics Conferences Nano Tribology Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Nano Particles Conferences Drug delivery Conferences Nanotoxicology Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Asia Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Asia Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Nanopharmaceuticals


    There is huge excitement and expectation surrounding the collaborative field of nanotechnology. This carries over to nanomedicine in application of nanotechnology to healthcare which is already determining the pharmaceutical industry, especially in the design, configuration and delivery of therapeutics. Nanopharmaceuticals are approximately new class of therapeutic-containing nanomaterials that often have unique " nanoproperties" due to their small size a high surface-to-volume ratio and the occurrence of modulating their properties. Basically they are nanoparticles expected for a broad spectrum of clinical therapeutic applications with the potential to target a particular organ or tissue site, either passively or actively. Nanopharmaceuticals present novel reorganization opportunities for active agents.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Thin film drug delivery
    • Magnetic drug delivery
    • Acoustic targeted drug delivery
    • Neural drug delivery system
    • Drug delivery to the brain 
    • Drug carrier
    • Retrometabolic drug design

    Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Molecular Mechanics Conferences Materialscience Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 USA Nanotoxicology Conferences Nano Electronics Conferences Nanoresearch Conferences Nanoscience Conferences Nano Tribology Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 USA Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Asia Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Nano Particles Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Europe

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Cancer nanotechnology

    Cancer nanotechnology

    Nanotechnology cancer treatments may lead to spoiling cancer tumors with minimal damage to healthy tissue and organs, as well as the tracking down the elimination of cancer cells before they form tumors. Most intention is to raise the cancer treatment through nanotechnology are at the research or development stage. However there are many universities and companies around the world functioning in this area. Cancer is a group of diseases directed by inherently nanostructural problems. As such, there are obvious benefits to treatments operating nanoscale structures and processes.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Chemoterapy
    • Nanotheranostics for cancer
    • RNA nano technology for cancer tratment
    • Nano colloids 
    • DNA nanorobots

    Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Nano Energy Conferences Nano Electronics Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Europe Nanoresearch Conferences Drug delivery Conferences Green Nanotechnology Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Asia Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nanoengineering Conferences Nanobio-technology Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Asia Molecular Nanotechnology Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Nanotoxicity


    When nanomaterials reach environmental departments, such as freshwater or soil, interaction with organisms living in those divisions is likely to occur. It therefore is important to understand how nanomaterials and organisms interact, and to increase mechanism-based frameworks that allow transfer of knowledge across particle types and biota with acceptable effort to provide a sound risk assessment. First appointment of nanomaterials with organisms always takes place at the level of cells, for example, epithelial cells in animals or epidermal cells in plants, which serve as environment-organism barriers. Being progressive exposed to inorganic or organic particles, cells have evolved stress responses to combat particle disclosure if overwhelmed, toxicity on different cellular levels, such as damage to lysosomes, mitochondria, or DNA may ensue. However, even in the nonappearance of toxicity, nanomaterials may surpass environment-organism barriers. In this case, systemic transportation may occur, potentially triggering whole organism responses, such as immune or altered observable responses or contorted development.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Genotoxicity
    • Cytotoxicity
    • Fullerne toxicity
    • Biodistribution
    • Nano visualisation
    • Xeno biotech
    • Nanomedicine and toxicology

    Molecular Engineering Conferences Graphene Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Europe Molecular Mechanics Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nano Particles Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Nanotechnology Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Asia Nano Electronics Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Nanoengineering Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Environment, Health and Safety issues

    Environment, Health and Safety issues

    The environmental, health, and safety issues of nanomaterials has been defined as “the collection of fields combined with the terms ‘environmental health, human health, animal health, and safety which were used in the context of risk assessment and risk management. In this term “nano-EHS” is used for assistance to refer specifically to environmental, health, and safety research and related activities as they apply to nanoscale science, technology, and engineering. This issues outlines the major advances in nano EHS over the last 10 years and the major challenges, developments, and achievements that we can expect over the next 10 years without providing all inclusive coverage or a review of all the important issues in this field. Nano EHS-Nanomaterial properties-Hazard, risk reduction- In-vitro, in-vivo - anticipating methods safe-by-design approach-Role of industry-International frame of reference

    Sub Tracks

    • Nanotechnology in pollution prevention
    • Nanotechnology for water
    • Ethical and social issues
    • Reglation of nanotechnology
    • Risks of nanotechnology
    • Nanotechnology in Ozone deplition

    Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Nanotoxicology Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Asia Carbon Nanochips Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanorobotics Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences Nanoengineering Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Nano Electronics Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nano Particles Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Advanced nanomaterials

    Advanced nanomaterials

    Nano materials are represented as materials with no less than one outside measurement in the size extent from around 1-100 nanometers. Nanoparticles are items with each of the three outside measures of Nano scale. Nanoparticles that are normally happening or are the unexpected side effects of kindling procedures are physically and artificially heterogeneous and frequently termed ultrafine particles. Built nanoparticles are voluntarily delivered and planned with particular properties identified with shape, size, surface properties and science. These properties are emulated in mist concentrates, colloids, or powders. Regularly, the conduct of nanomaterials might depend more on surface region than molecule adjustment itself. Nanotubes, Nano clays and quantum dabs will be the quickly developing sorts. The continuity stockpiling and era and development markets will offer the best development prospects. 

    Sub Tracks:

    • Biosensors,Diagnostics and Imagining
    • Nanoparticles synthesis and Applications
    • Thin films modelling,scale effects,nanostructured thin films
    • Inorganic/organic nanomaterials
    • Semiconductors,Metals,Ceramics,Polymers
    • Graphene,Fullerenes,Carbon nanotubes,low-dimensionnanostructures
    • Nanostructured coatings,surfaces and menbranes
    • Food technology
    • Nanotech detector for heart attaccks

    Nano Energy Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 USA Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Asia Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nano Particles Conferences Molecular Engineering Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Europe Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Asia Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Molecular Mechanics Conferences Graphene Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: DNA nanotechnology

    DNA nanotechnology

    DNA nanotechnology was started due to the improvement of Cluster science and Scanning tunneling microscope followed by discovery of fullerenes in 1985 that had authenticated how wonder properties of single cell carbon film could exist in nature. Nano-materials prepared from progress metals like silver or gold were complicated with drugs that extinguish many untreatable MDR diseases and metastasis cancer in human. The basis for nano-medicine reaches were pioneered by the earlier discoveries:  liposomes in drug delivery and in DNA transfection, controlled release system of macromolecules , circulating stealth polymeric nanoparticles ,quantum dot bio-conjugate system  and nanowire nano-sensor dates .

    Sub Tracks:

    • Properties of nucleic acids
    • Structural DNA nanotechnology
    • Dynamic DNA nanotechnology
    • Structural and sequence designing
    • DNA origami
    • Three-dimensional arrays
    • Design of nanodrugs

    Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Molecular Nanotechnology Conferences Nano Electronics Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Nanoscience Conferences Molecular Engineering Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA Nanoengineering Conferences Nano Tribology Conferences Nano Particles Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nanotoxicology Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Molecular Mechanics Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Polymer nanotechnology

    Polymer nanotechnology

    The range of Nanotechnology is one of the most popular areas for current research and development in essentially all technical regulations. This definitely includes Polymer Nanotechnology which comprises microelectronics. Other areas carries polymer-based biomaterials, Nano medicine, Nano emulsion particles; fuel cell electrode polymer bound catalysts, layer-by-layer self-assembled polymer films, electrospun nanofabrication, imprint lithography, polymer blends and Nano composites. Phase detached polymer blends often achieve Nano scale phase depths; block copolymer domain morphology is usually at the Nano scale level; asymmetric membranes often have Nano scale void structure, mini emulsion particles In the large field of Nanotechnology, polymer matrix based Nano composites have become a prominent area of current research and development. Research of polymers and nanotechnology generally focuses on efforts to design materials at a molecular level to achieve desirable properties and functions at a macroscopic level.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Bio-hybrid nanofibres
    • Bio-hybrid polymer nanotubes
    • Silicon nanospheres
    • Nanocarbon tubes
    • Electriactive polymers
    • Copolymer
    • Biopolymer
    • Nanocomposite
    • Coatings and charges

    Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nanoresearch Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Europe Nano Electronics Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences Drug delivery Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Nanotechnology Conferences Nano Tribology Conferences Nanotoxicology Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Asia Nanobio-technology Conferences Molecular Mechanics Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Bio-Nanomaterials and Tissues engineering

    Bio-Nanomaterials and Tissues engineering

    Scaffold-based tissue engineering access have been under investigation for more than 30 years now and many different techniques have been developed in order to engineer various tissues of the body. Some of them have been adapted from bench to bedside, yet many are still under comprehensive examination. Biodegradable scaffolds applied in tissue engineering aim to temporarily alternates for the extracellular matrix and its complex biological functions during the reformation and/or remodeling period, and are finally degraded and replaced by new tissue.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Liquid based template assembly
    • Bioartificial organs
    • Artificial bone marrow
    • Artificial bone marrow
    • Bone tissue-engineered vessels
    • oral mucosa tissue engineering
    • Artificial pancreas
    • Nanofiber self-assembly

    Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Asia Graphene Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Europe Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 USA Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA Nanotechnology Conferences Nanoscience Conferences Nano Particles Conferences Green Nanotechnology Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Molecular Nanotechnology Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Molecular Mechanics Conferences Materialscience Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Drug delivery and Nano particles

    Drug delivery and Nano particles

    The use of nanotechnology in medicine and more especially drug delivery is set to spread quickly. Currently many substances are under inspection for drug delivery and more especially for cancer therapy. Interestingly pharmaceutical sciences are using nanoparticles to reduce toxicity and side effects of drugs and up to recently did not recognize the carrier systems themselves may impose risks to the patient. The kind of hazards that are imported  by using nanoparticles for drug delivery are beyond that posed by ordinary hazards imposed by chemicals in classical delivery matrices. For nanoparticles the knowledge on particle toxicity as retrieve in inhalation toxicity shows the way how to investigate the potential hazards of nanoparticles. The toxicology of particulate matter differs from toxicology of substances as the construct chemicals may or may not be soluble in biological matrices, thus manipulate  greatly the potential exposure of various internal organs. This may vary from a rather high local exposure in the lungs and a low or neglect able exposure for other organ systems after digestion.

    Sub Tracks:

    • New therapeutics delivery
    • Targeted delivery
    • MEM/NEM devices for drug delivery
    • Cell-nanotopography interactions
    • Nanofabricated scaffolds

    Nanotoxicology Conferences Molecular Engineering Conferences Nanoengineering Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Asia Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nanoresearch Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 USA Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA Nano Tribology Conferences Nano Electronics Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanoscience Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nanobio-technology Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Recent developments in nanotechnology and nanoscience

    Recent developments in nanotechnology and nanoscience

    Nanotechnology will be applied for Detection, Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Monitoring. Themes like Nanotechnology situated Imaging Technologies and Lab-on-a-Chip Point of Care Diagnostics, Advanced Nano-Bio-Sensor Technologies, Implantable Nano sensors, Nano Arrays for Advanced Diagnostics and Therapy, Invasive Therapy Technologies and Cellular based Therapy adequacy be talked about.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Nanotechnology and nanosensors
    • Nanoparticles ,nanodrugs and nanomaterials
    • Nanobiotechnology and Nanobiopharmaceutisis
    • quantum nanoscience
    • Bionanoscience
    • Toxicity and environ,ental impact of nanoscale materials

    Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Asia Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 USA Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nanobio-technology Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Nanoengineering Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Asia Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Nanomaterials Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Europe Nanorobotics Conferences Molecular Engineering Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Nanotechnology in water treatment

    Nanotechnology in water treatment

    Nanotechnology refers to a broad range of tools, techniques and applications that simply involve particles on the relative size scale of a few to hundreds of nanometers in diameter. Particles of this size have some different physiochemical and surface properties that lend themselves to novel uses. Indeed, defends of nanotechnology suggest that this area of research could contribute to solutions for some of the major problems we face on the global scale such as assuring a supply of safe drinking water for a growing population, as well as transmiting issues in medicine, energy, and agriculture.

    Sub Tracks:

    • wastewater treatment
    • Application of nanotechnology in water and wastewater treatment
    • Nanomaterials and membrane filtration
    • Metals,bimetallic nanoparticles and mixed oxides
    • Naturally occuring material the case of Zeolites
    • Metallic nanoparticles
    • Carbon nanocompounds
    • Modified photocatalysts
    • Nanotechnology and human health

    Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 USA Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanoscience Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Nanotoxicology Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Molecular Nanotechnology Conferences Carbon Nanochips Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Asia Nanoengineering Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media:  Green nanotechnology

    Green nanotechnology

    There is a general approach that nanotechnologies will have a important impact on developing 'green' and 'clean' technologies with considerable environmental benefits. The best examples are the use of nanotechnology in areas feeding from water treatment to energy breakthroughs and hydrogen applications. As a matter of fact, sustainable energy applications probably are the areas where nanotechnology will make its first large-scale financial breakthroughs. Inconsistent with this positive message is the growing body of research that raises questions about the potentially negative effects of engineered nanoparticles on human health and the environment. This area consists the actual processes of manufacturing nanomaterials and the environmental footprint they create, in unconditional terms and in comparison with existing industrial manufacturing processes

    Sub Tracks:

    • Green nanotechnology challenges and opportunities
    • Nanotechnology innovation and governance
    • Advancing greener nanomanufacturing
    • Additive processes and greener nanomaterial production
    • Moving from natural enemies ro partners for nature

    Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Europe Nano Particles Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences Nanoresearch Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Asia Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Europe Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 USA Molecular Mechanics Conferences Nanobio-technology Conferences Green Nanotechnology Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Asia Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Europe Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

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    Peers Alley Media: Regulatory aspects towards approval of nanomedicine

    Regulatory aspects towards approval of nanomedicine

    Nano ethics is the study ethical and social significance of nanotechnologies. It is an emerging but contentious field. Nano ethics is a debatable field. As the research is increasing on Nano medicine, there are certain regulations to increase their capability and address the associated safety issues. Other issues in Nano ethics consist  areas like research ethics, environment, global equity, economics, politics, national security, education, life extension and space exploration.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Regulatory perspective on the development of nanomedicines
    • Nanomedicines in the market
    • Regulatory development for next-generatin of nanomedicines

    Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Green Nanotechnology Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Europe Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Materialscience Conferences Nanoengineering Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Europe Graphene Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Nano Electronics Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences Molecular Engineering Conferences Nanoscience Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media:  Sustainability nanotechnology

    Sustainability nanotechnology

    Research and development in nanotechnology carries us many possibilities for developing our lives. Nanotechnology in electronics makes us to have smaller, thinner, lighter computers. Charlie Marcus has a precious TED talk about nanoelectronics and the next step, quantum computers. We could talk all day about possible operations of nanotechnology. The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) has a very large, albeit non-exhaustive list of utilizations of nanotechnology in everyday materials, energy applications, environmental remediation, health and medicine, etc. But as with any developing technology, the development of nano must be accompanied by environmental considerations. After all, we don’t want another story like asbestos in our future, if we can hide it. Nanomaterials have novel and many not-so-well-known properties, some of which could resentfully affect human health and the environment.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Nanofertilizers
    • Nanopesticides

    Nanomedicine Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Asia Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Europe Nanoscience Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 USA Drug delivery Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences Green Nanotechnology Conferences Nanoresearch Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Carbon Nanochips Conferences Nanotoxicology Conferences Molecular Engineering Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Carbon nanotechnology

    Carbon nanotechnology

    Carbon nanotubes are large molecules of pure carbon that are very large and thin shaped like tubes, about 1-3 nanometers (1 nm = 1 billionth of a meter) in diameter, and hundreds to thousands of nanometers long. As separate molecules, nanotubes are 100 times stronger-than-steel and one-sixth its weight. Some carbon nanotubes can be extremely dynamic conductors of electricity and heat; depending on their structure, some act as semiconductors.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Carbon nanotubes
    • Extreme carbon nanotubes
    • Synthesis of carbon nanotubes
    • Carbon nanoparticles
    • Vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays
    • Carbon nanotube chemistry
    • Nitrogen-dropped carbon nanotube
    • Organic semiconductor


    Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Molecular Nanotechnology Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Europe Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Nano Energy Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Graphene Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 USA Nano Electronics Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Europe Green Nanotechnology Conferences Materialscience Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Nanotechnology products and markets

    Nanotechnology products and markets

    New nanotechnology user products are coming on the market at the rate of three to four per week, a finding based on the latest update to the nanotechnology  user product maintained by the Project on reserve Emerging Nanotechnologies .One of the new items among the more than 600 products now in the reserve is Swiss dent Nanowhitening Toothpaste with “calcium peroxides, in the form of nano-particles.” Today, in demonstrationv before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, PEN Project ,cited Ace Silver Plus—another of the nine nano toothpastes in the reserve—as an example of the improvement in nanotechnology consumer products in stores. The hearing marks the start of U.S. Senate debate on the future direction of the annual $1.5 billion sovereign investment in nanotechnology research and development (R&D)

    Sub Tracks:

    • Nanophase technologies corporation
    • Altair nanotechnologies
    • Carbon nanotechnologies
    • Nanoworld AG oxford instruments

    Drug delivery Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Asia Nanorobotics Conferences Molecular Mechanics Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Europe Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Asia Molecular Nanotechnology Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Asia Molecular Engineering Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 USA Graphene Conferences Green Nanotechnology Conferences

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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    Peers Alley Media: Nanorobots in medicine

    Nanorobots in medicine

    Nano Robotics is the technology of inventing machines or robots close to the microscopic scale of a nanometer (10−9 meters). Nanorobotics refers to nanotechnology – an engineering education for designing and building nanorobots. These devices range from 0.1-10 micrometers and are made up of nano scale or molecular segments. As no artificial, non-biological Nano robots have yet been formed, they remain a pretending concept. The names nanorobots, nanoids, nanites or nanomites have also been used to distinguish these hypothetical devices. Nano robots can be used in different factorial areas such as medicine and space technology. Nowadays, these nanorobots plays a important role in the enclosure of Bio-Medicine,Specifically for the treatment of cancer, cerebral Aneurysm, replacement of kidney stones, rejection of renounced parts in the DNA structure, and for some other treatments that need utmost support to save human lives.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Detectin nanorobots 
    • Medical nanorobots for disabled control
    • Nanorobots in gene therapy

    Molecular Nanotechnology Conferences Nanoscience Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Molecular Mechanics Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 USA Nano Tribology Conferences Nano Particles Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 USA Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Nanoscience Conferences 2020 Asia Graphene Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 USA Nanomaterials Conferences Drug delivery Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Europe

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    Peers Alley Media: Graphene and its applications

    Graphene and its applications

    Graphene is the name for a puncture sheet of carbon atoms. It is the building intercept for other graphitic materials. Harder than diamond yet more elastic than rubber;tougher than steel yet lighter than aluminium. Graphene is the substantial known material. To put this in relativity: if a sheet of cling film (like kitchen wrap film) had the same toughness as a pristine monolayer of graphene, it would require the force utilize by a mass of 2000 kg, or a large car, to puncture it with a pencil.

    Sub Tracks:

    • Graphene synthesis
    • Graphene and biology studies of graphene
    • Applications of graphene in energy
    • Applications of graphene in biomedical

    Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Asia Molecular Nanotechnology Conferences Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Europe Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 USA Molecular Mechanics Conferences Nanoscience Conferences 2020 USA Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 Middle East Nanobio-technology Conferences Nanomaterials Conferences 2020 Asia Nanoscience Conferences Carbon Nanochips Conferences Nanomedicine Conferences 2020 Nanotechnology Conferences Nano Electronics Conferences

    • Max Seats

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    • Speaker Time

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    Scope & Importance

    The worldwide nanotechnology market was esteemed at $1,055.1 million out of 2018, and is anticipated to reach $2,231.4 million by 2025, developing at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2019 to 2025. Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the investigation of nanoparticles and gadgets, which discover their application over all the science fields, for example compound, bio-medicinal, mechanics, and material science among others. Nanotechnology market incorporates the creation and utilization of physical, synthetic, and organic frameworks and gadgets at scales extending from individual particles or atoms to around 100 nanometers. 

    Nanotechnology conveys a critical effect and fills in a progressive and helpful innovation crosswise over different mechanical areas including correspondence, drug, transportation, horticulture, vitality, materials and assembling, shopper items, and family units. Developing use cases and application is relied upon to be one of the key variables contributing towards the development of nanotechnology market size. The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative has assessed that around 20,000 analysts are working in the field of nanotechnology. For the UK, the Institute of Occupational Medicine has assessed that around 2,000 individuals are utilized in new nanotechnology organizations and colleges where they might be conceivably presented to nanoparticles.

    The utilization of nanotechnology in the social insurance part has made some energizing potential outcomes for the sellers in the nanotechnology advertise. Nanotechnology is prevalently utilized in medication conveyance as nanoparticles help to convey sedate and other substance to explicit cells in human bodies. The propelling utilization of nanotechnology in medication improvement is just going to observe a development later on, and it is very apparent in the way that 7000 new mixes are a work in progress alongside 56 new pharmaceuticals as referenced in the 2018 report by International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Association (IFPMA). It is additionally utilized in demonstrative methods and hostile to bacterial medications since gold nanoparticles combined with infrared light have a capacity to execute the microbes. Moreover, power created by nano-generators that are worn by patients can decrease blood misfortune and recuperate the injury quicker. These various utilizations of nanotechnology in social insurance that likewise incorporate application in cell fix will watch further advancements, which will make strengthen nanotechnology advertise.

    Nanotechnology is utilized to tackle sunlight based vitality and increment its productivity utilizing PV cells. The sun based PV market is blasting due to the increased interest for sun based vitality in different nations having a place with Europe, North America, and APAC. Besides, Africa sun based vitality market is ready to see an unequivocal development later on. The utilization of nanotechnology in sunlight based vitality division is relied upon to offer open doors in the nanotechnology showcase.

    Target Audience:

    Nanotechnology Professionals, Leading scientists, Medicine and Pharmaceuticals, Professors, Doctors, Business Delegates, Medical colleges, Healthcare professionals, Founders and Employees of the related companies, Physicists/chemists, Nanotechnology Associations, Polymer companies, Biotechnology, Directors of chemical companies, Training institutes.

    List of Societies


    American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) / Graphene Stakeholders Association (GSA) / International Association of Nanotechnology (IANT) / Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) /  Materials Research Society /  International Association of Nanotechnology / American Nano Society / Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Student Association / American Association for the Advancement of Science / American Academy of Nanomedicine / Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer / Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory / American Chemical Society - Nanotechnology Safety Resources /  International Organization of Materials / Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI) / NanoBusiness Commercialization Association /  NanoBusiness Alliance / Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Student Association (NANSA) / National Nanotechnology Initiative / American Nano society / Metals and Minerals Societies / Society for Advancement of Material and process Engineering / American Composites Manufacturers Association / Brazilian Composites Materials Association /  Canadian Biomaterials Society / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) / American National Standards Institute Nanotechnology Panel / Instituto Zuliano de Investigaciones Tecnológicas / American Physical Society / Canadian NanoBusiness Alliance.


    International Union of Crystallography /  European Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ENNA) / German Association of Nanotechnology / Nanotechnology Industries Association / The Institute of Nanotechnology (IN) / Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) / Russian Society of Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanotechnology / Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology /  Federation of Materials Societies / Society for Biomaterials / Federation of European Materials Societies /  European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology / Semiconductor Industry Association / Collaborative Centre for Applied Nanotechnology / James Watt Nanofabrication Centre / Southampton Nanofabrication Centre /  European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology / Nanotechnology Industries Association / DTU Nanotech Department of Micro and Nanotechnology


    National Nanotechnology Center / National Nanotechnology Directorate / National Nanotechnology Initiative / National Center for Nanoscience and Technology / Japan Science and Technology Agency /   Nano Technology Research Association (NTRA) / Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ANNA) / Nanoscience & Nanotechnology / ASPEN-Asian society of precision engineering and nanotechology / The International Association of Nanotechnology (IANT) / National Institutes of Health / Society of Materials Science / Japan Society for Composite Materials / Australasian Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering / Australasian Ceramic Society / Materials Research Society / National Centre for Nanoscience and Technology / National Nanotechnology Center | National Nanotechnology Directorate | National Nanotechnology Initiative 

    Middle East

    Iranian Nanotechnology Laboratory Network / Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC) / Israel Vacuum Society / Egypt Nanotechnology Center (EGNC) / Center for Nanotechnology (CNT) / NBE Institute for Nanoscience and Informatics (INI) / Yousef Jameel Science and Technology Research Center / Naqaa Nanotechnology Network (NNN) / Technology and Development / Tel Aviv University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology / Nanofabrication Core Lab  / Nano-Biomedicine & Imaging Laboratory / Materials Science and Nanotechnology / National Nanotechnology Research Center / Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine 

    List of Journals

    Nature Nanotechnology / International Journal of Nanomedicine / Nanomedicine /  Nanoscale Research Letters / Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology / Journal of Nanoparticle Research / Nano / Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology / Nanotechnology / Advanced Materials / Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology / The Journal of Physical Chemistry C / Nano Research / Nano Letters / ACS Nano / Nanoscale / Small / Nano Today / International Journal of NanoscienceJournal of Experimental Nanoscience / Lab on a Chip / Biomedical Microdevices / Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers / International Journal of Nanomedicine / Journal of Materials Science / Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology / International Journal of Nanoscience / Journal of Nanoparticle Research / Journal of Experimental Nanoscience / Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology / Carbon / Nanotechnology Law & Business / Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology / ACS Photonics / Journal of Cluster Science / Lab on a Chip / Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications / Journal of Nanoparticle Research / Journal of the American Chemical Society / Langmuir / ACS Nano / Chemistry of Materials / ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces / Journal of Applied Physics / Theranostics / Journal of Experimental Nanoscience / Futures / Nature / Energy / Nanotoxicology / Biomedical Microdevices / Biotechnology Journal / Optical Materials / Scripta Materialia / Acta Biomaterialia / Materials Horizons /  Journal of Materials Chemistry / Journal of Alloys and Compounds / Bulletin of Materials Science /  Journal of Composite Materials / Journal of Materials Research and Technology / Journal of Materials Science / Materials in Medicine Science and Technology / Advanced Materials / Materials Today / Progress in Materials Science / Computational Materials Science / Materials Science and Engineering 

    List of Universities


    Arizona State University / Johns Hopkins University / Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering / Louisiana Tech University / North Carolina State University / North Dakota State University / Radiological Technologies University VT / Rice University / Singapore-MIT Alliance / Stevens Institute of Technology / SUNY Polytechnic Institute / University of Albany / University of California, Riverside / University of California, San Diego / University of Central Florida / University of New Mexico / University of Pennsylvania / University of South Florida / University of Texas at Austin / University of Buffalo /  Virginia Commonwealth university /  University of New Mexico / University of North Carolina / INTO University of South Florida / Harvard University / Pennsylvania state university /  University of Utah / Wayne state university / University of Denver / University of  Connecticut / Stony Brook university / University of  Wisconsin-stout / Northwest Missouri state university /  Louisiana Tech university / Millersville university


    University of Cambridge / Eth-zurich university / University of oxford / Politecnico Di Milano University / Delft University of Technology / Technical University of Denmark / University of Manchester / University college London / University of Southampton / Bangor University / University of Central Lancashire / University of Glasgow / Lancaster University / New castle University / Nottingham Trent University / University of Strathclyde / University of Surrey / Swansea University / Aalto University / Aarhus University / University of Bristol / Chalmers University of Technology / University of Erlangen-Nurnberg / National University of Science and Technology / Queen Mary University of London /  University of Valencia / UCL(University college London) / National Technical University of Athens / University of Groningen / Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR).


    VIT University / Srinivas Institute of Technology /  Desh Bhagat University   / Tezpur Central University / Central University of Jharkhand  / Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University / Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences / Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College of Engineering Sultanpur /  University of Madras, National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology / SASTRA University / Nano Science and Technology Consortium / Bhagwant University / Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda / Anna University Chennai / Noorul Islam College of Engineering / Bharathiar University / Iran university of science & technology / Sharif University of Technology / Tarbiat Modares University / Amirkabir University of Technology / Bar Ilan University Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials / Technion Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI) / Tel Aviv University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology / Hong Kong University of Science and Technology / University of the Punjab / National University of Science & Technology / University of Sind / National University of Singapore / Chulalongkorn University / Mahidol University / Kasetsart University / Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology at AIT / College of Nanotechnology at KMITL / University Putra Malaysia / Malaysia Multimedia University / Malaysia University of Science & Technology / Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology (SLINTEC) / Tohoku University / Kyoto University

    Middle East

    Khalifa University / Ras Al Khaimah Center for Advanced Materials (RAK CAM) / Masdar Institute of Science and Technology United Arab Emirates University /Alfaisal University / Sharif University of Technology / Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences / Middle e tech university / Bilkent university / Hacettepe university / Istanbul tech university / Dokuz eylul university  / Ankara university / Gebze inst technol / Cumhuriyet university / Gazi university / Ege university / Ondokuz mayis university / Selcuk university / Anadolu university / Auleyman demirel university / Koc university / Nile University / United Arab Emirates University

    List of companies 


    10 Angstroms / 3D Systems / 3DIcon / 3DM /4Wave / A & A Company / Abeam Technologies / Accelergy ACS Material / ADA Technologies / Advanced Diamond Technologies / Advanced Nano-Coatings / Advanced Optical Technologies / Advanced Research Systems / Agilent Technologies /  XiGo Nanotools / Xitronix / Xtalic / Zikon / Z-Medica / XG Sciences / X-Ray Optical Systems / Vista Therapeutics / Vorbeck Materials / Versilant Nanotechnologies / Vampire Optical Coatings / US Photonics / Ultramet Advanced Materials Solutions / Triton Systems / Surface Combustion /Surface Technology / SurModics / Synopsis / TDA Research / Texas Biochemicals / Thermo Scientific / Trion Technology / Solar Botanic / Sono-Tek Corporation / Soundwave Research Laboratories / Specs Technologies Corporation / Stainless Design Concepts / Structured Materials Industries / Sumitomo Electric USA / Renishaw / Research Facilities Design / Resonetics / Rexahn Pharmaceuticals / Rudolph Technologies / Salvona Technologies / Savara Pharmaceuticals / Selecta Biosciences / Semicore Equipment / Protochips / PSI Physical Sciences Inc. / Q SonicaQuanta chrome Instruments / Quanterix / Quantum ComposersQuantum Polymers / QuarTek Corporation / Radiation Shield Technologies / Poly Microspheres / Poly sciences / Porter Wright Morris & Arthur / PPG Industries / Presto Engineering / Nyacol Nanotechnologies, Inc. / Ocean Nano Tech / Optical Dynamics / Pacific Biosciences / Pall Corporation / Parabon NanoLabs  / Omnetics / New Scale Technologies / Nikon Metrology / Norsam Technologies / NVE Corporation.


    Applied Nanolayers / Aquamarijn Micro Filtration / ASM International  / ASML / Avantes / Avantium / Catena / ChemConnection / CPS Instruments Europe / DELMIC / DSM Somos / GraphenTech / HQ Graphene / IME Technologies / Kriya Materials / Lenntech Water Treatment & Air Purification / Malsch TechnoValuation / Malvern Panalytical / Micronit / MS MacroSystem  / Nanosens / NXP / SACHEM / SmartTip / VSParticle /  Nanoident / Metcomb Nanostructures /  Ablynx / Nanocyl / it4ip / Nanon A/S / Amroy / Nanocomp /  Memscap / Nanoledge /  Minatec Innovation Center / Nanopolis / Kerdry / Flamel Technologies / INPT / Baytubes / Amica / Ormecon / Capsulution NanoScience AG / agForce Nanotechnologies AG / SuNyx / Aquanova German Solubilisate Technologies GmbH /  SusTech Darmstadt / NSC-Nanosemiconductor-GmbH / NanoFocus / Henkel / NanoCraft / AlCove Surfaces / Percenta Europe Ltd / Genthe -X- Coatings /  Degussa Advanced Nanomaterials / Nanopool / Starnberger / BASF / NanoPharm / PlasmaChem / NanoScape / nanotype / Süd-Chemie / SUSS MicroTec / NaWoTec / ItN Nanovation / Nanogate Technologies GmbH /  Nano-X / Nano Tech Coatings / Cool Chips /  Acrongenomics /  Nanothinx / Thales Nanotechnology / Nanocomms / Allegro Technologies / Elan Drug Delivery / Ntera / Mechanomade® Ball Milled Nanophased Materials (MBN) / AMT Coatings / Aktina Limited /  Labein / CMP Científica / Nanofreeze / QuNano AB / Obducat / NanoLight /  NanoSurf / Colibrys /  Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology /  IBM Zurich / Schoeller NanoSphere / Mimotec SA / NanoMagnetics Ltd / Accelrys / Plastic Logic / Thomas Swan & Co. / Kelvin Nanotechnology / iCurie Lab Holdings /  JR Nanotech / Nanoco / Nanoco Technologies / Orla Protein Technologies / Oxford Nanotechnology


    Beijing Nano Sunshine Technology Co. Ltd / Advanced Battery Technologies / Zhangyuan Tungsten Co. / Chengyin Technology /  Shenzhen JINGANGYUAN New Material / Shenzhen Nanotech Port Co / Genesis Nanotech Corporation / Nano-Infinity Nanotech Co. / Nano Superlattice Technology / Asia Pacific Fuel Cell Technologies /  21st Century NanoTechnologies / Qtech Nanosystems / Velbionanotech / United Nanotechnologies / Admatechs / NanoCarrier / Fullerene International Corporation (FIC) /  Alnair Labs / Asahi Glass Co. / Carbon Nanotech Research Institute / Frontier Carbon Corporation / Hitachi High-Technologies / Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Nanotechnology Department XNRI Group / Nanoten / Advanced Nano Products / Advanced Nano Technologies / ILJIN Nanotech / Nanogist / NanoMetalGlobal / Nanotech / Samsung / Hyosung Group / Arc Flash Corporation / nanopac / Chartered Semiconductor ManufacturingNanoMaterials Technology.

    Middle East

    NutraLease / Sol-Gel TechnologiesNanolayers / Nano-Size / SoluBest /Docoop Technologies / R&D for ApNano Materials / Kilopico / Nano Vahed Sanat (Nano 1) / Nanotechnology Systems Corporation (NATSYCO)  /  Payamavaran Nanotechnology Fardanegar (PNF) / Aposense /  El-Mul Technologies / Melodea / Nano Dimension / Nano Retina / Nanonics Imaging / Nicast / Nova Measuring Instruments / Qlight Nanotech / Sol-Gel Technologies / SP Nano / StoreDot / Valentis Nanotech / Saudi Environmental Projects Company Ltd. (SEPEC) / Saudi Aramco / Silicon Valley for Nanotechnology / Entekno / Grafen Chemical Industries / Inovenso / Nanografen / Nanografi.

    • Max Seats

      15 seats

    • Speaker Time

      20 mins

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